Sales Opportunity Manager
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Improve overall performance with a “Value Centric” approach

Value Centric Organization

Just what is a Value Centric approach? Simply put, it’s a selling approach thataddresses the value exchanges within the overall client relationship.  It begins with understanding what’s of value to your client and why.  It’s always more than just price and frequently involves multiple personal relationships.

The Value Centric organization must be able to identify the real value to the client (tangible and intangible, long and short term) and must be able to express that value in both quantitative and qualitative terms as it relates to the client’s business and requirements.  This affords you the ability to manage the relationship; you’re no longer just a traditional sales organization.


Management Responsibility

Successful adoption of a value centric approach requires commitment on the part of senior management throughout the entire organization, from the top down.   The organizational environment must foster the value centric selling approach and delivery system, and everyone must have a clear understanding of the importance and direction of the approach, along with the desired results. 

What’s In It for You?
There are four basic steps in becoming a Value oriented selling organization. (See diagram above.)  When these steps are recognized and the processes put in place, life gets easier at all levels.  The entire organization moves forward; competitive impact lessens; management problems are reduced and profits increase along with shareholder value.

What Makes Us Different/Why Us?

We understand that adopting a Value Centric approach to selling can be a significant cultural change in most organizations.  To that extent it requires more than a couple of consultants showing up and telling you what to do and selling you some seminars.  We become part of your organization.  We office with you, meet with you and your clients, go on sales calls and are actively involved with coaching your people, from executive reviews to simple sales calls.  In other words, we help you build your Value Centric program and measure the results.

We realize that no two organizations are the same and that a “One Size Fits All”  approach isn’t effective.  We work with you to define the real needs and build a custom program that fits your organization.  We then assist you in implementing whatever is required, from simple market education and training to customizable “Value Centric” development programs, sales processes and simplified, but sound reporting systems and structures.

Key Tools, Processes and Concepts that support a “Value Centric” approach:

Selling Value NOT Products/Service

WIIFMe (Personal Motivation)

Value Quantification/Qualification

Dynamic Relationship Plan

Target Opportunity Reviews

Major Account Reviews

Personal Success Plan (4 Qtrs. Rolling)

Monthly Value Reporting

HVS Education Seminars



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